Wednesday, November 11, 2015


A webinar is short-hand for web-based seminar. Webinars can be a presentation, discussion, or product demo that is transmitted online using web conferencing software in real-time. Unlike webcasts, where the information is shared one-way, webinars allow for interaction with the audience. Often, webinar software also allows sharing of additional assets, including screen sharing, video, and file transfers.

Benefits of Webinars

One of the main benefits of webinars is they are location flexible. The host can be living in one part of the world while the guest and audience members partake in the webinar from anywhere elsewhere in the world. This gives your audience a better chance of attending a webinar, as opposed to physically attending a seminar, where they have to book  a flight and reserve a hotel room.

Webinars are also flexible in regards to format. The content in a webinar can be recorded and shared or repurposed in a variety of formats. After a webinar goes live, upload the video to YouTube and the slides will be converted to a SlideShare presentation. This gives audience the chance to view the webinar anytime they want, or catch it for the first time if they missed it live.

On top of the flexibility webinars offer, they also have the power to grab the attention of your audience.

Why? Because today, people are paying attention to video more than ever before. According to 64% of customers, they are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video. Another study found that 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read. These statistics show webinars are a highly effective communication method, whether  you are trying to sell or persuade.

Engaging Format 

Webinars are also more interactive and engaging than other forms of content. Engage your audience members by asking poll questions and featuring a Q&A session so they can be a part of the action — instead of just sitting back and being passive.

Another way you can make your webinar more interactive is by including clickable links ( send them out in the chat feature) so attendees can actively follow the presentation.

For example, say you are giving a demonstration on how to use an online tool. Clickable links give audience members to play along, as opposed to just watching you click buttons.

Better Communication

Webinars are also ideal for allowing two-way communication between you and the audience. If they have a question about the presentation or the product you’re showcasing, they can ask you in real-time which may help eliminate barriers to conversion.

Webinars also give audience members direct access to the speaker. Since the speaker is generally an authority figure or thought leader, this gives attendees unprecedented access, which is is both and enticing reason to attend and a way to build trust.

Better Information Absorption

Finally, webinars also lead to better absorption of information for your audience members. Since you’re sharing valuable information you want your audience to take home and share, any method you can use to get them to retain that knowledge can be a major advantage for you and your brand.

If you’re sold on hosting your own your webinar, here’s what you need to get things rolling.

Pick a Platform

The first requirement for a webinar is having the right software to host your event. While there are plenty of software options out there, here are four platforms, two free and two premium, for your consideration.

Google+ Hangouts: This is a free video and chat feature of Google+. You can record and stream the webinar directly onto YouTube.

Skype: This is another free platform where you can share files and invite up to 25 people for a video conference.

Webex: This product from Cisco starts at $24 per month. It comes with polls, register tracking, and chat.

GoToWebinar: Features include polls, HD recording, and attendee registration. Plans start at $89 per month.

When selecting a platform, you have to consider the pros and cons each present. Does it fit your budget? Does it include the features that you need, such as the ability to offer surveys? How many attendees does it allow? Can you record?

For example, if you already sold a product and want to offer free training to 10 people, Webex’s price tag might not make sense for you. On the other hand, if you are offering paid photography classes.  you may find Webex fits your needs perfectly.

How to Choose a Webinar Topic

To have a powerful webinar, you need to narrow it down to a specific topic that will be informative to your target audience. Here are a couple of ways you can find a webinar topic your audience will actually be interested in:

FAQs:  your frequently asked questions page for topics your customers frequently search.

Search Google Analytics for Top Traffic Pages: You can pick a topic by seeing what content is the being discussed and shared the most on your site.

Ask Sales/Social Team: Ask your team members what topics they discuss with customers on a daily basis. These may be areas where more information may be needed.

Poll Your Audience: You can also ask your audience directly for topics they would find useful.

When settling on a topic, pay attention to the resources you already have on hand. 

Pick a Format

You have the right platform and topic, now it’s time to pick a format for your webinar. The most common formats are:

Single Expert Presenter: One expert shares their expertise.

Dual Presenters: Instead of just one presenter, you have two presenters, which helps engage the audience and may allow you to share more information.

Panel: Just like a live panel, you could host a group of experts discussing a specific topic. You will likely want a moderator as well. 

Moderated Session: Take your panel help a notch by having a moderator help move the webinar along – this also works well with single presenters.

Q&A: The expert or panel answers questions from the audience. The live aspect makes this format particularly engaging for the audience. 

A Mix of Formats: Remember, you don’t have to stick to just one format.  webinars are a mix of single presenter and Q&A.

Also, test to see what works for you! In the beginning, we tried a web audit series where four of our team members audited several websites live. We thought it would do really well, (free audits, right?). In reality, it earned us some of our lowest attendance numbers ever. So, we had to ditch them. Listen to your audience!

How to Market Your Webinar

Like any other piece of content you produce, you need to market your webinar so you can attract attendees. Here are a few tips:

Write Blog Post: Write a blog post to promote the webinar in advance. Even if you don’t have a huge blog following, you can share this on social and through email.

Use Platform Tools: Several platforms have features like registration tracking, so you follow-up with those attending. See what your tool offers and make use of those tools!

Push on Social: Announce the webinar on your social media channels – and don’t forget to push it until the very end. I generally see an 8-15% registration jump in the last day or two before the live event.

Email Lists: Send reminders to your email subscribers a day in advance and then an hour before the webinar goes live. Also, consider announcing it to your email list. (Just be careful not to annoy.)

PPC: If you have the budget, you can use a PPC campaign to pro

Preparing For Webinars

You have to be prepared for your webinar. It seems a lot of brands underestimate how much preparation are required to ensure everything goes smoothly. Don’t just assume since a presenter has spoken at several conferences it will go fine. There is often a new platform  to learn, plus the challenge of not being able to see your audience or your moderator.

Here are a few things to note:

  • Practice: Even if you’ve done the same presentation twenty times, do a dry run to make sure everyone is on the same page, all your gear is working, the presenter knows how to share their screen, etc.
  • Verify Wifi: Without wi-fi, your webinar won’t be able to go live. Double check to make sure it’s working properly.
  • Never use new equipment: Use equipment you’re familiar with so if there is a problem you can troubleshoot.
  • Show up 15 minutes early: This gives you the chance to double-check your equipment, answer any last-minute questions, and make sure everyone is ready to go.
  • Have a support team: If you’re presenting, you should have someone else behind the scenes handling the Q&A or resolving any technical difficulties.


Webinars are a highly effective way to communicate in-depth information in an engaging format. The first step is deciding what your goals are and then choosing a platform and format that meets those needs.

For an effective webinar you should always:

  • Listen to Your Audience
  • Play to Your Current Strengths
  • Practice for a Polished Presentation
  • Follow Up
  • Repurpose Your Content

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