Thursday, November 26, 2015


1. Get a mascot

Does your company have a mascot? Mascots can do wonders on Facebook. Yes, you read that right. WONDERS! That's because they add personality (with flare) to your business.

Even if you don’t have a company mascot, you can use an unofficial mascot for your company. Have a team dog? Cat? Or maybe a hamster? Use your animal friends to spice up your Facebook Page.

2. Embrace a special unofficial day

Every day is an (unofficial) special day.

For instance, my calendar says today is loaded with events:

National Sponge Cake DayHug Your Sweetheart DayRide the Wind DayValentino DayGo Topless Dayand more...

Imagine all the fun content you can create around these rather unusual observances.

The key here is to find days that would fit your audience. This means you need to know your demographic and what they like inside out! Then you can create themed content around days they've yet to hear about.

3. Remember to un-market

Here’s the thing, consumers don’t go to Facebook to think about brands. Why? They're looking for a personal connection with their friends.

The key to un-marketing is to market without looking like you’re selling at all. Just be a friend.

Themes the audience can relate to draw people in.

Even if you operate a small business or local business, you too can stand out. Creativity doesn't take a ton of money, but it does take some thought.

Share what your product stands for.

What benefits does it offer? If your product saves people time, show your fans what they can do with all that extra time -- visuals of them at the park? Traveling? 

Look beyond what your products and services do. Look at what they provide.

Finally! Marketing on Facebook shouldn't be boring. You need to be creative if you want your brand to be heard by your share of Facebook's 1.49 billion users.

While it’s tough to stand out, it can be accomplished.

Keep your brand fun, engaging and always add value! Try these 3 visual marketing tips to help take YOUR Facebook marketing to the next level!

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