Saturday, November 14, 2015


1. Create an Awesome Schedule and Keep to It

Instagram doesn’t come across as super formal, which means a lot of companies get a bit more lax about when they post. However, scheduling is just as important for Instagram as it is for any channel.

You can go anywhere from a photo every few days to one a week to see how your engagement goes.

2. Your Images Have to be High Quality

You might think you can get away with a few low-quality images every now and then. Maybe you saw a funny meme that you want to share but it’s blurry and looks pretty terrible.

You need to make sure that you never post anything low quality, no matter how funny that meme really is. Look for a better quality one if you absolutely must share it.

Instead, use high-quality images of your products, take excellent photos with your smartphone, and make sure everything is top notch. You can even create your own awesome quote images or memes with something like Canva, ensuring every single image you have is the best it possibly can be for Instagram.

3. Use Hashtags Well and Use Them a Lot

Hashtags are your lifeboat when it comes to Instagram engagement, so you need to make sure you are using them and using them well.

Tag relevant keywords to make sure you reach the right audience. For example, if you are selling bath supplies, tag #bathsupplies #bathtime and anything that relates to your products like #bubblebath #bathbomb and so on. It’s easy to know which hashtags get the most traction. When you start typing # and your word, Instagram pops up how many posts have been done around that word. is a great tool for seeing relatable hashtags, or “keywords”, to use as well. Just type in your primary descriptor word and it will pop up a network cloud of similar words to use.

Don’t be afraid to use plenty of hashtags, too.Quick Sprout shows a really surprising statistic: Instagram posts that have 11, yes 11,hashtags get 71% more engagement.

4. Embed Instagram Images and Videos on Your Site

Another excellent way to get great results from your Instagram account is to embed your images and videos on your site.

You can do so through blog posts or have a plugin that connects with your account, sharing your images somewhere on the side of your website.

This can be a great way to promote your new account to people who regularly visit your site, building your following of clients.

5. Find and Utilize Some Incredibly Useful Instagram Apps

When it comes to harnessing the power of Instagram, apps are your BFFs. Don’t ignore other apps that can help boost your presence.

There are a number of apps you can choose to help improve your images. You can improve your photography as well as get some excellent interaction from clients.

Don’t forget about apps that allow you to repost awesome client images, helping create a stellar business-client relationship that will grow your brand.

6. Use Instagram as an Awesome Networking Opportunity

As a businessperson, you know networking is the life blood of the business world. It puts you in connection with industry leaders and likeminded individuals, helping to grow your business.

Well, what if I told you Instagram is actually another amazing opportunity to network with those in your industry?

According to Kim Garst on Huffington Post, you can network by engaging with others through photos and likes, following others back after they follow you, and, of course, using those hashtags.

7. Take Advantage of Instagram Ads for Your Company

When it comes to Instagram ads, they’ve definitely hit the mark with some of the most non-intrusive ads out there. All you do is scroll through your feed, see an ad, and keep going.

For a while now, only major brands could utilize Instagram Ads, but can you use them for your own company now?


Taking advantage of Instagram Ads is perfect for your business. There are excellent new ad formats out there that you can use to find which ones work the best for you and your business on Instagram.

8. Never Share Links in Your Instagram Photo’s Caption

It is undeniably tempting to include links in your captions on Instagram, isn’t it?

However, those links aren’t going to turn intoclickable links for your Instagram followers. It’ll just look like a jumble of characters and only serve to be an annoyance to your viewers.

Instead, when you post something about a product or your services, direct people to click the link in your bio. They can easily click that and head to your site to check out all you have to offer. Be sure to put your link in the “link” section when you edit your bio, and mention that in your post.

9. Track Your Instagram Analytics and Tweak to Ensure You Keep Growing

Last but not least, always ensure you are tracking your Instagram analytics to keep an eye on your brand.

You can do this through simple observation by seeing how often people engage with you, which photos people seem to like more, and when they engage.

And, you can use awesome analytics tools like Iconosquare to help you learn even more about the activity on your account, as well as more about your followers’ habits.

Pictures or it Didn’t Happen!

You may have some stellar products, but as the adage goes – pictures or it didn’t happen.

Share your photos with your clients, and use those same photos to bring in new readers, viewers, and customers. Being on this simple, fun channel can really help you expand and reach a wider demographic than ever before.


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