Sunday, November 29, 2015


Whether or not to attempt multiple accounts on one social network is a big question. The answer: It depends. Some companies, have a corporate Twitter account, while many of their stores have their own accounts. This allows them to communicate rather specific and relevant information to regional followers, while maintaining their corporate account for overarching news, promotions, and announcements.

Other companies have found it helpful to segment their accounts by product, such as Google, GoogleAPIs, Blogger, and so on. In this case, it makes sense based on their offerings to divide the conversations up by audience and product rather than geography. 

The most important thing to consider when deciding if it makes sense to segment your profiles on these networks is whether or not you're better able to add value to the customer and the conversation.

Are you better able to address your customer needs on one account, or are there regional considerations that may make that more difficult?

Additionally, you should carefully consider your ability to manage multiple accounts.

Tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and SocialEngage make it easier than ever to manage multiple accounts from one dashboard, but remember—there's nothing sadder than an abandoned social account. It doesn't send a good message about your brand and its ability to follow through.
Once you get going in social, it's easy to get distracted. There are new apps, tools, and networks that pop up on an almost-daily basis, and you could easily spend your entire day just checking them all out. The idea, though, is to strike a balance between tools-obsessed marketing and being an ostrich with its head in the sand. It's better to do fewer things effectively than many things ineffectively. But you should also keep your eyes and ears open for the up-and-coming social trends; there will be a time when it makes sense for you to jump in. Here are some things to consider:

Look for platform functionalities that work with your product offering or market space. For example, clothing retailers are well positioned for the image sharing social networks that have become popular, like Instagram and Pinterest.

Emerging technologies and/or functionality that allow you to communicate and share with your community in new ways.

Additionally, keep an eye out for technologies and sites that have the potential to reach new demographics that fall within your target audience or their influencers.

When all else fails, keep your eye on your goals, but don’t be afraid to dip your toes in the water and test, test, test. Invest enough energy so you can get a meaningful response, and use this as your guiding light on whether or not you should go deeper.

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